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Welcome to the Lewis group safety site! If you are interested in being safety trained in the Lewis Group labs located in Noyes, the Beckman Institute, and Jorgensen, please read through the information on this page.
Since the Lewis group is part of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE), we follow the chemical safety procedures outlined by Caltech EH&S and the division.
Access to Noyes, Beckman Institute, and Jorgensen buildings, will be granted after safety training with the respective Lewis Group Safety Officers indicated under the contact information.
Undergraduate students and visiting summer students, such as those funded through the SURF or Amgen scholars program, must be safety trained if they are going to be in any of the Lewis group labs at any time. According to division-wide policies, undergraduate students must be supervised at all times in lab by their direct mentor. As a result of this policy, all mentors for undergraduate students must also be safety trained in all the Lewis group labs that their student is trained in so they can supervise their students.
Sean Byrne is the safety officer in Noyes and can be contacted at See Sean for safety information specific to Noyes building labs.
Jake Evans is the safety officer in Beckman Institute and can be contacted at See Jake for safety information specific to Beckman Institute labs.
Zach Ifkovits is the safety officer in Jorgensen and can be contacted at See Zach for safety information specific to Jorgensen building labs.