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safety:getting_started [2021/08/26 13:47]
safety:getting_started [2021/10/06 08:39] (current)
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 Sean Byrne is the safety officer in Noyes and can be contacted at <​sbyrne@caltech.edu>​. ​ See Sean for safety information specific to Noyes building labs.\\ ​ Sean Byrne is the safety officer in Noyes and can be contacted at <​sbyrne@caltech.edu>​. ​ See Sean for safety information specific to Noyes building labs.\\ ​
-Jake Evans is the safety officer in Beckman Institute and can be contacted at <jevans@caltech.edu>​. ​ See Jake for safety information specific to Beckman Institute labs.\\ ​+Maureen (Mo) Morla is the safety officer in Beckman Institute and can be contacted at <mmorla@caltech.edu>​. ​ See Mo for safety information specific to Beckman Institute labs.\\ ​
-Zach Ifkovits ​is the safety officer in Jorgensen and can be contacted at <zifkovit@caltech.edu>​. ​ See Zach for safety information specific to Jorgensen building labs.\\ ​+Shaoyang Lin (Postdoc in See Group) ​is the safety officer in Jorgensen and can be contacted at <shaoyang@caltech.edu>​. ​ See Shaoyang ​for safety information specific to Jorgensen building labs.\\ ​
safety/getting_started.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/06 08:39 by miralles
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